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About the owner

After having visited several locations in Europe to build a holiday home, Doug and Mary Jo came across an advert in an estate agents window in Turnbridge Wells offering free holidays to Cortijo Grande, Spain. The offer included meeting with an architect who built villas on a mountain in Southern Spain. Doug and Mary Jo went for a weekend and returned having put down a deposit. They had found that place they had idly talked about all their lives, their secret hideaway.

The excitement of building a bespoke villa spread throughout the family. Having worked at The Tate in London in the 60’s, Mary Jo deployed her extensive design skills to decorate her new home. Mary Jo’s distinct blue and white style can be seen everywhere.

Casa Mary Jo became a celebration of Doug and Mary Jo’s life together. 

Casa Mary Jo provides inspiration for those who want to holiday simply in this wild and wonderful landscape.

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07561 769916